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Déesse Kosmetik
Beratung & Vertrieb
Regine Grosch
Gütersbachweg 10
75323 Bad Wildbad

Fragen oder Bestellung?
+49 (0)178 72 48 163

Über diese Seite

Du suchst Kosmetik zur Haut- und Gesichtspflege oder Nahrungsergänzung und hast dazu Fragen? Auf den Seiten "Beratung" wurden Lösungen zu den meisten Anforderungen zusammengestellt. Von dort gelangst du zu den empfohlenen Produkten, die entweder im Deesse Online Shop oder direkt bei mir bestellt werden können.

Frage / Bestellung? +49 (0)178 72 48 163

What sets Déesse apart?

Sustainable Swiss cosmetics

Cruelty-free, vegan and environmentally friendly

What sets Déesse apart?

Sustainable Swiss cosmetics

Cruelty-free, vegan and environmentally friendly

Cosmetics for every skin type

Déesse cosmetics offers a wide range of caring cosmetics that are specifically tailored to the needs of different skin types. Déesse offers a variety of products to care for your skin, whether you have dry, oily, sensitive or mature skin.

Déesse has developed a range of care products with years of experience and a deep understanding of individual skin needs. Each product has been carefully designed to meet the needs of every skin type while maintaining your skin's natural balance.

The Déesse cosmetics product range includes facial cleansers, moisturizers, serums, masks and much more. Each product contains carefully selected ingredients to hydrate, soothe and protect your skin. Whether you're looking for an intensive moisturizer for dry skin or a mattifying solution for oily skin, Déesse has the right product for you.

Quality is based on cruelty-free development and sustainability

In addition, Déesse attaches great importance to quality and sustainability. The products are manufactured under strict quality standards and contain natural ingredients to maximize effectiveness while minimizing environmental impact. Déesse cosmetics is committed to cruelty-free practices and avoids harmful ingredients such as parabens and sulfates.

Discover the variety of nourishing cosmetics from Déesse cosmetics and treat your skin to the loving care it deserves. No matter what skin type you have, Déesse has the right solution to keep your skin looking healthy, radiant and youthful. Trust in Déesse, your skin will thank you.

Vegan cosmetics

Beauty comes from within

Déesse vegan cosmetics are definitely a great choice for people who are interested in natural care products and for whom ethical and sustainable aspects are important. Déesse cosmetics meets the high demands of environmentally conscious consumers by including first-class plant-based ingredients in their cosmetic products and completely avoiding the use of animal ingredients.

The symbiosis of first-class effectiveness and sustainable responsibility leads to a symbiosis that not only provides the skin with first-class care, but also steers the future of our cosmetic industry in an environmentally conscious and ethical direction.

These high-quality herbal ingredients have a remarkable sympathy for the skin due to their unique compositions and give it first-class, natural care.

Therefore, Déesse vegan cosmetics become a profound skin experience, not only dedicated to visual and sensory excellence, but also actively contributing to the protection of our environment and wildlife. Déesse gives animals a new level of respect and helps to slow down the negative environmental impact of conventional cosmetics production by avoiding animal components.

It is undeniable that choosing vegan cosmetics at Déesse is a caring act that creates the connection between personal aesthetics and social responsibility.



Déesse is proud to sell high-quality care products for the whole family at a fair price exclusively through honest, professional advice from its Déesse consultants. As a Déesse customer, you can benefit from this in many ways.



Déesse cosmetic products are based on natural ingredients, high quality and state-of-the-art science: developed without animal testing, they are dermatologically tested. Déesse attaches great importance to personal advice from professionally trained consultants.


Environment & Nature Conservation

Déesse cosmetics offers a unique refill system. Product deliveries are made without folding boxes (except for glass). Deesse also grants a

Return guarantee in case of intolerance or dissatisfaction with the products.

Warum Déesse

Seit 1971 entwickelt Déesse Cosmetics fortlaufend neue Produkte mit Fokus auf Qualität. Das kundenfreundliche Verkaufskonzept unterstützt die Unternehmensphilosophie. Die einzigartigen, naturbasierten Produkte entsprechen dem neuesten wissenschaftlichen Stand und bieten Sicherheit und Wohlbefinden im Einklang mit Natur und Umwelt.


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Regine Grosch
Beratung & Vertrieb
Déesse Kosmetik
Gütersbachweg 10
75323 Bad Wildbad


+49 (0)178 72 48 163


WhatsApp +49-178 72 48 163

*Déesse Online-Shop

Die mit "*" gekennzeichneten Verweise (Links zum Online-Shop von Déesse) sind Vergütungs-Links. Wenn du auf einen solchen Link klickst und dann über den Shop etwas bestellst, erhalte ich von DÉESSE eine Vergütung. Der Endkunden-Verkaufspreis gem. gültiger Preisliste wird davon nicht berührt.
Bestellungen können auch weiterhin, wie gewohnt, direkt an meine E-Mail-Adresse oder per WhatsApp gesandt werden.

Copyright 2024 by Regine Grosch. All Rights Reserved.
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Chlorella Standard, OPC FX, C.G.F.


F-plus, Cordyceps, Reishi, DS7, Omega 3


Power Start Up, Energy to go


Artichoke plus, Mineral plus, CHL, Daily Balance Tea


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