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Déesse Kosmetik
Beratung & Vertrieb
Regine Grosch
Gütersbachweg 10
75323 Bad Wildbad

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+49 (0)178 72 48 163

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Physiological functions

Cofactors for enzymes



Trace elements are minerals that the body needs in very small amounts, but which still have crucial functions for various biological processes. Although found in small quantities, they are essential for maintaining health and regulating many physiological functions.

Reasons why trace elements are important

  1. Enzymatic reactions: Many trace elements act as components of enzymes, which in turn enable catalytic reactions in the body. These enzymes are crucial for nutrient metabolism, energy production and other biochemical processes.

  2. Hormone regulation: Some trace elements, such as iodine and selenium, are necessary for the synthesis of hormones. These hormones, in turn, regulate various physiological functions, including metabolism, growth and reproduction.

  3. Immune system: Some trace elements, such as zinc and copper, play a role in regulating the immune system and defending against infections.

  4. Antioxidant effect: Certain trace elements, such as selenium, act as components of antioxidant enzymes that protect the body from oxidative stress and can prevent cell damage.

  5. Bone health: Trace elements such as copper and zinc are important for normal bone development and maintenance.

  6. Transport of oxygen: Iron is a trace element that is essential for the transport of oxygen by hemoglobin in red blood cells.

Some important trace elements and their functions include:

  1. Iron: Important for oxygen transport and energy production.

  2. Zinc:Plays a role in immune function, enzyme activity and wound healing.

  3. Copper: Necessary for the formation of hemoglobin and collagen, as well as for iron metabolism.

  4. Selenium: A component of antioxidant enzymes, protects cells from damage.

  5. Iodine: Essential for the synthesis of thyroid hormones, which regulate metabolism.

  6. Manganese: Involved in various metabolic processes, especially bone metabolism.

  7. Fluorine: Important for dental health and the formation of tooth enamel.

  8. Chromium: Plays a role in glucose metabolism.

A balanced diet that includes a variety of foods can usually ensure that the body is adequately supplied with the necessary trace elements. In some cases, particularly in the case of certain medical conditions or food intolerances, nutritional supplements may be necessary, but should be taken under the guidance of professionals.

Why Déesse

Since 1971, Déesse Cosmetics has continuously developed new products with a focus on quality. The customer-friendly sales concept supports the company philosophy. The unique, nature-based products correspond to the latest scientific standards and offer safety and well-being in harmony with nature and the environment.


You can also reach me on Facebook and Instagram.


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Regine Grosch
Consulting & Sales
Déesse Kosmetik
Gütersbachweg 10
D-75323 Bad Wildbad


+49 (0)178 72 48 163


WhatsApp +49-178 72 48 163

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Orders can continue to be sent directly to my Email address or sent via WhatsApp.

Copyright 2024 by Regine Grosch. All Rights Reserved.
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Chlorella Standard, OPC FX, C.G.F.


F-plus, Cordyceps, Reishi, DS7, Omega 3


Power Start Up, Energy to go


Artichoke plus, Mineral plus, CHL, Daily Balance Tea


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