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Déesse Kosmetik
Beratung & Vertrieb
Regine Grosch
Gütersbachweg 10
75323 Bad Wildbad

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+49 (0)178 72 48 163

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Complements healthy diet

Nutritional supplements

With functional nutrients


you should



The basis is a healthy diet

A healthy diet is important because it gives the body the nutrients it needs to function optimally. A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats provides many health benefits and can reduce the risk of disease. Déesse nutritional supplements can be helpful as they provide additional nutrients that may not be adequately absorbed through normal diet alone.

Reasons why supplementation may be important:

Nutrient deficiency

In some cases, it may be difficult to get all the necessary nutrients through diet alone. This may be particularly true for certain population groups, such as older people, pregnant women, vegans or people with certain illnesses or food intolerances. Dietary supplements can help fill gaps and prevent nutritional deficiencies.

More nutritional needs

In certain phases of life or situations, the need for certain nutrients may be increased. For example, pregnant women need additional amounts of folic acid and iron to support the baby's healthy development. Athletes or people who engage in intense physical activity may benefit from additional protein or specific amino acids to promote muscle building and recovery.

Absorption problems

Some people have difficulty absorbing certain nutrients from food efficiently. This may be the case, for example, in people with digestive problems, intestinal diseases or after certain surgical procedures. In such cases, nutritional supplements can help improve nutrient absorption.

Our body needs nutrients

Support your body in its functions and bring it into balance with a functional nutritional supplement. This does not supplement the food but rather the valuable nutrients that our body needs every day in order to function.

Do something good for your health today with Déesse nutritional supplements. FOR your health and not later against an illness.

Status quo

Today's diet:

  • Fast food, ready-made and light products
  • White flour products
  • Refined sugar
  • Hydrogenated fats
  • Meat (factory farming)
  • Plant sprays
  • Chemical additives (preservatives, colors, flavors, sweeteners, etc.)
  • Environmental pollution
  • Leached soils = deficit of vital substances
  • Long transport routes = loss of quality
  • Immaturely harvested fruits and vegetables = lack of vitamins and minerals
  • Additional acidification due to stress

Why do we need vitamins?

Vitamins are vital nutrients that the human body needs for various functions. Since humans cannot synthesize vitamins themselves, except for vitamin D through exposure to sunlight, they must be consumed regularly through food. The body can only store a limited amount of vitamins, which is why continuous intake is necessary to avoid deficiency symptoms. Dietary supplements are not intended as a replacement for a balanced diet, but are intended to supplement specific needs, such as in phases of increased need or in certain life circumstances. Their function is to supply the body with additional nutrients that cannot be guaranteed in sufficient quantities through normal nutrition.

Important: Nutritional supplements cannot replace a healthy diet. The purpose of nutritional supplements is to supplement increased needs!

Vitamins are essential

Vitamins are essential nutrients for various physiological processes in the human body. Since we cannot produce vitamins independently, except vitamin D through exposure to sunlight, we have to get them regularly through our diet.

Our organism can only store a limited amount of vitamins, so a continuous supply through food is necessary to avoid deficiency states.

Dietary supplements are not intended to replace a balanced diet, but are intended to supplement specific needs, especially in phases of increased need or specific life circumstances. They serve to supply the body with additional nutrients that cannot be adequately absorbed through the normal diet.

Vitamins act as key components in enzymatic reactions that regulate energy balance and thus significantly influence metabolism. These micronutrients are not only responsible for basic physiological functions, but also play a key role in warding off disease and maintaining a strong immune system. Their contribution to cell growth, blood formation and the maintenance of bone structure underlines their irreplaceable function for the health and well-being of the entire organism.



Hectic pace and stress, lack of time and fast food usually stand in the way of a healthy and varied diet. Dietary supplements can counteract the possible deficiency and are therefore classified as health-promoting.


It is now undisputed that a balanced and moderate diet has a major influence on human health. Estimates suggest that in industrialized Western countries, around 30% of total healthcare costs are attributed to nutrition-related diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and various degenerative diseases.

with valuable, functional nutrients

Déesse nutritional supplement

Live consciously - eat consciously - with nutritional supplements

Natürliche Inhaltsstoffe

Déesse attaches great importance to the fact that only natural ingredients are used in the nutritional supplement products and that no genetic modifications or animal testing are carried out.

Déesse nutritional supplement is divided into three areas. These complement each other perfectly:

  • Unterstützung von Innen
  • Energie
  • Vitalität

Déesse is one of the most quality-conscious providers of nutritional supplement products

Déesse is characterized as a provider of nutritional supplement products by a clear focus on quality, which is ensured through quality controls. The particular strength lies in ensuring that all ingredients in the products are free of heavy metals and harmful impurities.

This careful quality approach underlines Déesse's commitment and also ensures that you receive high-quality nutritional supplements that are free of potentially harmful substances. This gives you the security and certainty that the products are of the highest quality for your health and well-being.


With the functional nutritional supplement from Deesse you support your health and your body. Feel the positive changes in your life and bring your well-being into balance. Find out more about nutritional supplements and find the right solution for your personal requirements.

Temperament and joy of life

Vitality - momentum - temperament

Health maintenance

Joy of life

Vitality, energy and a cheerful temperament are essential components for maintaining health and joy of life. The life force plays a central role in helping to successfully meet the challenges of the day with momentum and joy of life.

DS 7 offers a unique combination of seven special properties that can help the body optimize its daily functions. Find out everything about DS 7 here.

Balance for more joy in life

The balance for a successful day requires a restful sleep at night. A healthy sleep thanks to the medicinal mushroom Reishi can be promoted is crucial for physical and mental regeneration, which in turn promotes joy in life.

The importance of a healthy diet should be emphasized, as it not only contributes to joy in life, but can also help prevent "typical illnesses". A balanced diet provides the body with the nutrients it needs to function optimally.

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for the human body in limited quantities. They can help improve blood flow, inhibit blood clotting, lower blood pressure, have anti-inflammatory effects and positively influence the metabolism of triglycerides. With a normal diet (e.g. fish), sufficient amounts of these fatty acids should be consumed. If there is still a deficiency or there are reasons that mean an increased need, this can be done with the Omega-3 nutritional supplement can be achieved.

Dietary supplements are considered a possible support for a healthy diet. This approach can be useful to ensure that the body receives all the necessary micronutrients that may not be adequately covered by the normal diet. Women in particular should consider their situation in the Facing menopause with F plus.

Cordyceps is a mushroom that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. It is valued for its potential health benefits, ranging from improving physical performance to strengthening the immune system. Cordyceps as a dietary supplement is often associated with improved oxygen uptake and energy production, which can help athletes increase their endurance.

In addition, it is also said to have an anti-inflammatory effect, which can help strengthen the immune system and promote general health.

Vitality and momentum

Support health from within



many times




Diet and exercise are recognized as crucial factors in preventing preventable diseases and promoting longer life expectancy.

Nutritional supplements can support the body

The recommendation to maintain a healthy diet through Dietary supplements to support and round off can be differentiated. The detoxification of the organism, i.e. the elimination of harmful substances, plays an important role in connection with general health. Certain dietary supplements can serve as support to promote this detoxification process. Here are Chlorella and Mineral plus but also the Daily Balance Tea, followed by Artichoke plus, which can have a beneficial effect on digestion.

The reference to the compensation of Mineral deficiency through dietary supplements is relevant because a deficiency of essential minerals can have negative effects on various physiological processes. The targeted supply of minerals can help keep the organism in optimal balance.

Stimulating the metabolism through dietary supplements, e.g. with ProLactoDirect, is another Aspect. Efficient metabolism is very important for many vital functions in the body, and nutritional supplements can in some cases help support this process.

Ultimately, the skin's appearance can also be improved from the inside, the joints and various body functions can be improved with the Beauty Support Pink Drink.

Freshness and vitality

Fit through the day with energy

Increases performance



The problem of fatigue in our society and its effects on performance is well known. Fatigue can have both physical and psychological causes and often affects daily activities and productivity.

Fatigue and stress

Stress as a result of fatigue is relevant because stress is not only a psychological but also a physiological phenomenon that can affect various organ systems. Chronic stress can lead to further fatigue and have a negative impact on health.

Recognizing that constant fatigue can be a possible sign of health neglect is important. It could indicate underlying health problems that should be investigated further.

The mention of a healthy diet rich in vitamins and nutrients as a solution to fatigue is justified. A deficiency in certain nutrients, vitamins or minerals can lead to lack of energy and fatigue. This can be done with Energy to go and Power Start up. A balanced diet therefore plays a crucial role in maintaining energy levels and overall health.

Dietary supplements can be useful to provide additional support for the optimal supply of essential nutrients. However, it should be noted that dietary supplements should not serve as a replacement for a balanced diet, but rather as a supplement.

Notice & Disclaimer

All contents of the pages on this website are not healing statements and must under no circumstances be viewed as healing statements! On my website I recommend nutritional supplements and NOT medications.

Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Healing claims: Basic information about dietary supplements

From a legal perspective, nutritional supplements are foodstuffs and therefore not medicinal products or medicines. They are therefore neither intended nor capable of alleviating, eliminating or preventing diseases.

The sole purpose of nutritional supplement products is to support and maintain health and the associated joy of life and energy.

Why Déesse

Since 1971, Déesse Cosmetics has continuously developed new products with a focus on quality. The customer-friendly sales concept supports the company philosophy. The unique, nature-based products correspond to the latest scientific standards and offer safety and well-being in harmony with nature and the environment.


You can also reach me on Facebook and Instagram.


Product images are not to scale


Regine Grosch
Consulting & Sales
Déesse Kosmetik
Gütersbachweg 10
D-75323 Bad Wildbad


+49 (0)178 72 48 163


WhatsApp +49-178 72 48 163

*Déesse Online-Shop

The references marked with "*" (links to the Déesse online shop) are compensation links. If you click on such a link and then order something through the shop, I will receive compensation from DÉESSE. The end customer sales price according to the valid price list is not affected.
Orders can continue to be sent directly to my Email address or sent via WhatsApp.

Copyright 2024 by Regine Grosch. All Rights Reserved.
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Chlorella Standard, OPC FX, C.G.F.


F-plus, Cordyceps, Reishi, DS7, Omega 3


Power Start Up, Energy to go


Artichoke plus, Mineral plus, CHL, Daily Balance Tea


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