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SPF - what does it mean?
SPF shows the sun protection factor of a sunscreen cream. SPF represents a numerical representation of a sunscreen's ability to protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet (UV) rays. This value increases with the strength of the protection, with higher SPF values indicating a more effective barrier to UV rays.
The importance of SPF lies in its function as a quantitative measure of the protection provided by a sunscreen. It is advisable to apply a sunscreen with a higher SPF, such as SPF 30, to untanned skin, especially at the beginning of a sunbath or vacation. This process serves to minimize the risk of UV-related skin damage and thus prevent long-term health effects such as sunburn or even skin cancer. The scientifically based determination of the SPF makes it possible to specifically choose the level of UV protection that best suits individual needs and environmental conditions.
Last update on 21.04.2024 by Karlgrosch.