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Déesse Kosmetik
Beratung & Vertrieb
Regine Grosch
Gütersbachweg 10
75323 Bad Wildbad

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+49 (0)178 72 48 163

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Wellness for the feet

Soothing foot care

Running like on clouds

Foot care cosmetics

Foot Care is Important

Why is foot care important?

There is a protective layer on the feet, the calluses. This was much more pronounced in Neanderthal times, as there was no proper footwear yet. Today we rarely walk barefoot and therefore hardening of the calluses must be controlled through care, otherwise there is a risk of painful calluses and corns. Our feet carry us throughout our lives. Pamper your feet with foot care from Déesse. With a deodorizing, moisturizing foot cream and an alkaline foot bath from Déesse you will experience a new feeling of well-being.

Calluses on the feet

If the cornea is swollen, there is a risk of removing too much because you can no longer see the individual stratum corneum. However, calluses have a protective function for the skin, so they should not be completely removed.

If there is too much callus, painful fissures (deep cracks) can occur and a foot care cream could no longer penetrate the skin.

Care routine at home

Pamper your feet

  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Step 4
  • Step 5

Reduce calluses

First you take the Déesse foot file in your hand and carefully begin to use yours When the feet are dry (therefore carefully), file them with the rough side first. The heel is very important here, but the rest of the foot can also be freed from calluses. When you have finished with the rough side, turn the foot file over and carefully file the entire sole of the foot again with the finer side.

Alkaline bath pampers your feet

Now your feet are well prepared for a nice bath. You add warm water to the foot tub and two tablespoons of the alkaline bath with fango and slowly enter the water with your filed feet. The alkaline bath ensures an acid-base balance, supports and stimulates the skin's excretory function and is simply good for the feet. Now gently move your toes up and down and enjoy the bath for about 10 minutes.

Before you dry your feet, peel them with the wellness Body peeling with fruit enzymes so that the remains of the cornea can also be removed.

You can also use the peeling for your legs, because you will see that your body lotion is better absorbed into the skin after the peeling and makes it soft and supple.

Now dry your feet with a fluffy towel that has been washed with LAO (LAO can be put in the washing machine as a fabric softener, a cap is enough and the laundry smells like apricot).

Pamper your feet with a massage using the Wellness foot butter.

Your legs will then be creamed with the gel for tired legs and you will feel it it feels like taking a dip in cold mountain water after a long hike.

Now you slip into warm socks and comfortable jogging pants and enjoy your evening with freshly cared for feet.

Shea and cocoa butter

High-quality ingredients such as shea and cocoa butter as well as urea intensively care for dry skin and leave the skin feeling wonderfully pleasant. The products can also be used as a mask overnight for particularly stressed feet: Apply a thick layer in the evening after going to bed Rich foot butter from the Wellness line, put cotton hand socks over it and enjoy baby-soft feet when you wake up.

Hornhaut an den Füssen reduzieren

Foot care products

Foot cream
Tapis Fit
Foot file
Nail oil
Wellness Rich foot butter


When using the foot file, it is important to remove the layer of calluses very carefully. If too much of the callus is removed, this can lead to damage to the skin surface!

Warum Déesse

Seit 1971 entwickelt Déesse Cosmetics fortlaufend neue Produkte mit Fokus auf Qualität. Das kundenfreundliche Verkaufskonzept unterstützt die Unternehmensphilosophie. Die einzigartigen, naturbasierten Produkte entsprechen dem neuesten wissenschaftlichen Stand und bieten Sicherheit und Wohlbefinden im Einklang mit Natur und Umwelt.


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Regine Grosch
Beratung & Vertrieb
Déesse Kosmetik
Gütersbachweg 10
75323 Bad Wildbad


+49 (0)178 72 48 163


WhatsApp +49-178 72 48 163

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Bestellungen können auch weiterhin, wie gewohnt, direkt an meine E-Mail-Adresse oder per WhatsApp gesandt werden.

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Chlorella Standard, OPC FX, C.G.F.


F-plus, Cordyceps, Reishi, DS7, Omega 3


Power Start Up, Energy to go


Artichoke plus, Mineral plus, CHL, Daily Balance Tea


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