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Déesse Kosmetik
Beratung & Vertrieb
Regine Grosch
Gütersbachweg 10
75323 Bad Wildbad

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+49 (0)178 72 48 163

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Support from within

Vitality - life force and momentum

Master life with vigor

Life force

The causes of preventable diseases and low life expectancy are often unhealthy diets and a lack of physical activity.

Numerous benefits can be achieved by sensibly supplementing and rounding off your diet with nutritional supplements. The detoxification of the body in order to flush out harmful substances forms a fundamental basis. In addition, dietary supplements can compensate for the lack of minerals and positively stimulate metabolism. These measures not only optimize nutrition, but also promote health and reduce the risk of diet-related diseases.

Beauty you can eat!

As an old saying aptly puts it: "True beauty comes from within!" In this context, the importance of an optimal supply of the right nutrients for the skin and the entire body becomes particularly relevant.

Skin care products and cosmetics may be effective in the upper layers of the skin, but wrinkles and other signs of aging form in the underlying tissue layers.

Therefore, the importance of essential building materials such as protein, especially in the form of chlorella, as well as effective cell protection comes into focus.

These measures aim to not only improve the external appearance, but also to promote the long-term health of the skin by providing support at the cellular level and protecting against premature aging.

Beauty you can eat!

The saying "True beauty comes from within" emphasizes the importance of an optimal supply of nutrients for the skin and body. Skin care products may have a superficial effect, but wrinkles and signs of aging arise in the deeper layers of the skin. Therefore, essential building materials such as protein, especially chlorella, and effective cell protection are crucial. These measures not only aim for external improvements, but also promote long-term skin health by providing cellular support and protecting against premature aging.

Intensive research

Cosmetics research is increasingly deepening and intensifying its efforts to understand the connection between vital substances and well-cared for, intact skin. There is no question that a nutrient-rich diet and effective nutritional supplements have clear positive effects on the skin to maintain its youthfulness and firmness throughout life.

Targeted intake of nutritional supplements has a positive effect on the skin from the inside out. It helps to strengthen and firm the connective tissue. These measures go beyond external care and are aimed at not only influencing the skin superficially, but also supporting its structure and health on a cellular level. This not only improves the external appearance, but also promotes the long-term resilience of the skin.

Intensiv research

Cosmetics research is increasingly deepening and intensifying its efforts to understand the connection between vital substances and well-cared for, intact skin. There is no question that a nutrient-rich diet and effective nutritional supplements have clear positive effects on the skin to maintain its youthfulness and firmness throughout life.

Targeted intake of nutritional supplements has a positive effect on the skin from the inside out. It helps to strengthen and firm the connective tissue. These measures go beyond external care and are aimed at not only influencing the skin superficially, but also supporting its structure and health on a cellular level. This not only improves the external appearance, but also promotes the long-term resilience of the skin.

Useful nutritional supplement

Omega 3

The essential omega-3 fatty acids are vital because the body cannot produce them itself. Dietary intake is crucial to ensure optimal health and functions in the organism. DHA and EPA, as important members of the Omega-3 family, help carry out various vital tasks in the body, which has a positive impact on overall health. This may include, but is not limited to, promoting healthy cardiovascular function, supporting brain function, and reducing inflammation.

Nutrients - DS7

The DS 7 nutritional supplement is evident in its ability to provide the body with essential nutrients that are essential for various physiological functions. This can include strengthening the immune system, promoting energy and vitality, as well as supporting metabolic processes. Due to the purely natural origin of the ingredients, optimal tolerability is also sought in order to offer sustainable support for the body in daily life.

F-plus supports the hormone balance

F-Plus capsules provide targeted support for the well-being of women during hormonal changes. These include potential benefits such as promoting bone health through vitamin D3 and K2, supporting hormonal balance and general well-being from adolescence to maturity.

Cordyceps is a medicinal mushroom

Cordyceps is a very exotic natural mushroom and a tried and tested Chinese tonic. The effect is compared to that of ginseng. The medicinal mushroom has an inhibiting influence on certain enzymes that are responsible for weak drive. Researchers also suspect increased athletic performance through a better supply of oxygen

Reishi Balance

In specific situations such as exams, school challenges or in a professional environment, Reishi Balance can have positive effects. Its memory-supporting effects can make it useful in learning situations, while its calming properties can help reduce stress in exam situations. The possible improvement in sleep not only contributes to restful nights, but can also have a positive effect on mental performance and general well-being.

Artichoke plus

The bitter substances in the artichoke, especially cynarin, are known to stimulate digestion and thus contribute to a healthy gastrointestinal system. This property is exploited by using artichoke leaves, roots and bracts in the form of capsules and juice.

In addition to the bitter substances, the product contains fennel extract, which has a calming effect on the digestive tract. The combination of artichoke extract and fennel extract creates a balanced formula that offers both stimulating and soothing properties for the gastrointestinal area.

Another important component is the vitamins B1 and B6. These vitamins play a crucial role in supporting metabolism. Vitamin B1 is necessary for carbohydrate metabolism, while vitamin B6 has a key role in protein metabolism.

Daily ration of algae

The freshwater algae Chlorella sorokiniana, especially in the form of CGF extract, should be considered a special variant of green vegetables, rich in high-quality amino acids , be firmly integrated into your daily diet. Regular intake of chlorella, practiced as a daily ritual, ensures a comprehensive supply of nutrients, supports the body's regeneration and at the same time promotes the cleansing process.

The unique combination of chlorella with CGF extract not only offers a rich source of essential amino acids, but also added value of important nutrients. Integrating this freshwater algae into your daily diet not only ensures a sustainable supply of nutrients, but also supports the body's natural ability to regenerate. The daily ritual of taking chlorella not only serves to provide nutrition, but also to promote regeneration and cleansing for a holistic approach to maintaining health.

Why Déesse

Since 1971, Déesse Cosmetics has continuously developed new products with a focus on quality. The customer-friendly sales concept supports the company philosophy. The unique, nature-based products correspond to the latest scientific standards and offer safety and well-being in harmony with nature and the environment.


You can also reach me on Facebook and Instagram.


Product images are not to scale


Regine Grosch
Consulting & Sales
Déesse Kosmetik
Gütersbachweg 10
D-75323 Bad Wildbad


+49 (0)178 72 48 163


WhatsApp +49-178 72 48 163

*Déesse Online-Shop

The references marked with "*" (links to the Déesse online shop) are compensation links. If you click on such a link and then order something through the shop, I will receive compensation from DÉESSE. The end customer sales price according to the valid price list is not affected.
Orders can continue to be sent directly to my Email address or sent via WhatsApp.

Copyright 2025 by Regine Grosch. All Rights Reserved.
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Chlorella Standard, OPC FX, C.G.F.


F-plus, Cordyceps, Reishi, DS7, Omega 3


Power Start Up, Energy to go


Artichoke plus, Mineral plus, CHL, Daily Balance Tea


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